Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Promises Promises Promises....

Have you ever been in a situation where you received a letter of confirmation about some unexpected money, or a reduced debt or bill? I have and it was some of the happiest mail I'd ever received!! The more interesting thing though was that I immediately began to shift my preparation according to the information that I'd  received in the letter...I mean...I'd received a letter regarding a tax debt that I owed, a significant correction to my debt to the tune of $3000.00. After reading that letter I literally cried but then I began to make an adjustment to my budget to reflect what I'd received in the letter...

This was the beginning of a new revelation for me surrounding what I receive and how I acknowledge and regard it. Let me tell you what I mean...after reading the letter I never ONCE called the IRS, I knew that the letter was official, I trusted the source of the letter. I cried in response to the debt reduction and the relief to my current situation...without question. What would happen if we gave the same credence to the Word of God and what He promises in His love letter to us?

Hebrews 6:12 (Amp)says "so that you will not be [spiritually] sluggish, but [will instead be] imitators of those who faith [lean on God with absolute trust and confidence in Him in His power] and by patient endurance [even when suffering] are [now] inheriting the promises."

Our circle of influence plays a huge role in what we can believe to receive. Who are we listening to, who are we modeling our Faith walk after? I'm so encouraged to stay in the face of God's Word in order to be able to take Him at exactly what He has told me that He has for me…

When we put our absolute trust in the truth of God's character then we can rest in what that character has proved to produce for thousands of years! What a thought…the God of such a phenomenal track record cares enough about ME, that He leads me to His word to reassure me of what He desires for me to possess!! We are in great company with those that believe and receive from a God that CANNOT lie!!

The challenge comes in what we choose to focus on. I just want to encourage somebody today to inundate your gates with the truth of God's Word, His Worship and His Will for YOU!! His Promises…Promises…Promises


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Yes! Yes! So on point and very in line with the message I taught on at our women's day service! 😊 "Have Faith In God" Matthew 11:22....trusting what He said because of who He is! The revelation is amazing! And something else He shared, "Focus more on the process (journey) to the promise, rather than on the promise itself" we get so frustrated sometimes because we haven't received yet that we miss the necessary preparation. What!!! The process is what produces real substance and ultimately qualifies me for the promise! The promise doesn't really do that. Joseph was adequately prepared for the palace because of his victory over the pit and Potiphar's wife! Those were HUGE victories!!!! Those intermediate wins builds faith along the way! So this post was definitely confirmation indeed! Amen! Amen! Amen! Great Post!!!!

    1. Amen! Thanks so much for reading and leaving your comment, Im so glad that the post resonated with you and what the Lord had been dealing with YOU about!! I always say " The promise is worth the process" I hope you'll subscribe for future posts

  3. Amen! Plant your hope and your feet on the Word. It is more solid than anything else!

    1. It really IS Anita!! Thank you so much for reading and commenting Sis, I hope that you'll subscribe for future posts.

  4. Thank you! What a blessing u are to the Kingdom of God. :)

    1. Praise God Karen! Thanks for taking the time to read and comment, please consider subscribing to receive future posts,

  5. Putting our complete trust and faith in the One with an impeccable track record. Why do we sometimes try to lend a helping hand? When He is undeniably reliable. I find the more I put my trust in faith in Him. The more he shows up for me faith has been a muscle I have had to work on but am getting stronger in it every day.
