Sunday, March 12, 2017
Sunday, March 5, 2017
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What is a Helpmate?.... |
To do something that makes it easier for someone to do a job or deal with a problem.
To aid or assist someone, to make something less severe.
To make something more pleasant or easier to deal with.
To give assistance or support
To make bearable, to further the advancement of
To give or provide what is necessary to accomplish a task or satisfy a need.
To contribute strength or means to render assistance to
To cooperate effectively with
Whoa!!! Thats a pretty tall order isn't it?!...Sheesh!
Is it possible to be this and DO this for others? The short answer is YES! According to the Word of God (Genesis 2:18 AMP) Now the Lord God said, It is not good (sufficient, satisfactory) that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper meet (suitable, adapted, complementary) for him.
Every situation that God places us in, we have to believe that we were created for it, that there is specific grace and empowerment to achieve what He set us in that situation to accomplish. So it is for the relationships in our lives, even the non romantic ones, that He would not place us where He hasn't provided for us. While we are single, however, there could seemingly be a lack of opportunity to actually 'practice' being helpmate to someone, but that couldn't be further from the truth! Singleness is the PERFECT time to allow the real helpmate in YOU to be birthed, cultivated and then presented to the world around you.
In our family, schools, places of employment, houses of worship and even in the community around us we have daily doors to walk through that allow us to be salt and light...but first how do you help yourself?! Thats right, what skills and talents have you enlisted in your own life that have caused you to become better, accomplish tasks easier or complete instructions and assignments more efficiently?
Sometimes we make the mistake of wanting to offer ourselves to others before knowing what it is that we actually offer to them. Take an assessment of your life and write down the things that you have grown in over the last year, proceed to write down the things that you can benefit from growth and development in over the current year. How will you 'help' yourself to accomplish these items? What will you do, give or provide that contributes strength to your endeavors? If you cannot help yourself, don't even consider yet what you can do for others...lets grow our own lives first. Why is this important? Well, when you are presented with a critical opportunity to help someone or something you will have the ability to pray and think according to what you are sure you have the capacity to help WITH.
As a licensed cosmetologist, I'm equipped to help with all phases of beauty culture, but I'm not as equipped to wire my salon...same building, same industry, different strengths and abilities to move the overall business forward. Familiarize yourself with your strengths and abilities and then position yourself in the presence of God such that He can give you clear revelation of what He desires to equip your life with BEFORE you connect in a romantic relationship with someone else. Allow the daily destiny intersections of your marketplace (and even ministry) engagement to sharpen you, to prune you and to prepare you for your next level of ability and anointing as a HELP to the WORLD that needs Jesus Christ. You may need to take classes that teach you how to communicate, cook, perform at a greater level in business, parent, manage money or even how to take better care of your physical well being...all of these translate into abilities that will enable you to 'help' in your circles of influence.
Stay tuned for some important keys and specifics areas that can benefit from your ability to HELP...
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Thursday, February 2, 2017
Living on Empty...
We tend to always be in a state of pouring. Pouring a cup of coffee, pouring a glass of orange juice, pouring on the charm to our significant other, pouring on affirmation to our children before their big Social Studies exam on Monday morning to give them one last jolt of confidence. Or pouring a bit too much syrup on the waffle that probably should be a bowl of steel cut oats with flaxseed and a side of berries for added vitamin content ( let's face it…the waffle and syrup just taste better)! Sometimes we are pouring our hearts out to a friend when all of the weight of OUR pouring has taken it's toll…
Yep! We've ALL been there to one degree or the other. Trying to push and pull from the place of the poured out! Too many 'TO DO' lists undone because we haven't sought to be poured into by a God who is FULL and overflowing with the Grace, Love, empowerment, strategy and…dare I say it?...REST that we so desperately need in balance and contrast to the days that we create via our own ambition. On one of those days where I'd forgotten just how empty my own fleshly efforts can be, the quiet whisper of the HolySpirit reminded me that in Mathew 5:6 "Blessed[joyful, nourished by God's goodness]are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness [those who actively seek right standing with God], for they will be[completely] satisfied.
YEP!! The Father is the very one who loves us and stands ready to fill us as often as we come to Him empty. Typically at the beginning of a new year, there is much bustle about doing more and being more. I'm learning to simply allow Him to "Be" in me. His grace is empowerment that bridges the gaps that threaten to swallow us up whole.
So today, right from where you are….be empty. Pour out your heart, thoughts, fears, failures, anxieties, inadequacies and desires on HIM. Welcome the fresh strength, air, peace, love and REST that resides in God for YOU.
He can never empty of His ability to restore, refill and refuel you.
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